kostenloser Counter

Sonntag, März 08, 2009

Week 2: markets, hospital and my room

Now after putting it online, I realise that pink text on grey background is not the ideal combination .. 
Anyway, here are the texts again, in order for you to be able to read it anyway. 

Comments and feedback are - as usual - very welcome!

Start from scratch! 

After arriving I felt like a baby that has to learn everything from scratch .... Not even busdriving was possible on my own! 

I did it together with some friends who know their way through the city very well, and it ended up being a funny thing. Plus very cheap, a ride of 10km costs about 50 cents!

With the bus to the markets: 

Generally speaking, you can shop whatever you need wherever you just are. But there are of course just as well huge shopping malls and the famous markets like the Silk Market. A good place to buy cheap faked brands and bargain, but also very loud and stressfull. 

And then there is Fu Zhuang Shi Chang!

My favourite market is the Fu Zhuang Shi Chang in the Wudaokou district. It's a mainly korean market, very relaxed. You rarely find fakes, but everything else. 

Plus the funniest t-shirts in the whole world! 

Yeah, shop until you drop ..

... One could think I took that a bit too serious and therefore ended up at the hospital .. But that wasn't the case, I actually cought a viral infection on my finger. 

Too bad the nurse wouldn't let my friend Carlo film the surgery, but at least I managed to get some shots of the hospital itself