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Dienstag, August 08, 2006

I guess it's about time ...

to switch languages. I am highly surprised that people in fact READ this blog (anybody else than my friend ChliiTierChnuebler).

I spent the evening in front of the computer, trying to get that video done (link below, ...) and then I watched the Gilmore Girls, my favourite TV-Show. And during all of that I did a lot of thinking because I feel like I am having the greatest life right now, and nevertheless I am about to leave it in less than three weeks. There's a part of me holding myself back, because all of my life I used to hate my little village, I didn't like the people, found them boring and stupid. And now, that I am really almost gone yet, now I start to feel the peace of that place. It's SO nice!

I'm glad I can leave with that good feeling in my back pack. Coming back for a visit will be nice ...
By the way: I have some sort of a blind-date-kinda-thing which isn't a date tomorrow night. It was SO weird, actually I called that guy today, because my friend and I needed some information for our diploma thesis. He works at a newspaper, and I wanna jump into the media-biz sooner or later. Well, when I told him that, he invited me over, which is highly unusual. But since I am pushing every button I find, because I need the thrill like oxygene, I jumped in and said yes, of course. Now I'm flattered. Gonna keep you up to date!