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Donnerstag, September 14, 2006

Guest-writer Aled

My friend Aled, who went to Byron Bay just a week before me, just wrote me the latest and greatest. hope you enjoy. I am leaving Sydney tomorrow, following Aled's trace.

Well hello Vanessa, having managed to clear the first major hurdle that was of course leaving Indy's, I have been on the move none stop, well apart from some brief stops hear and there.
First stop was Byron Bay to catch up with 'The Swed' (Simon), Mr James Slater (Gremlin) and his girlies and then later on Scottish Ryan. The weather was so bloody hot there, it made a very nice change from cloudy Sydney, and so I have now got my self one of the nicest tans I have seen in some time, even if I do say so myself! Byron Bay is stunning in my opinion, it is one of the first times I have genuinely thought 'yes, I am actually on holiday now' since being in Australia! About sodden time!
Ryan, Lizzie (Ryan's surfer chick mate) and myself went on a day trip to Numbin, fuck me - what a place! This place is stoner heaven, though due to the fact that no one from the 'real world' would ever want to move there, and no one from there could survive in the 'real world' it is full of the ugliest collection of in breads I have ever seen! It really is, imagine the scene; the average person there is an odd cross between Boy George and Wayne Rooney or Shrek - not a nice look believe you me, some how I doubt their look will ever be on the cat walk of the London Fashion Week, and for some bizarre reason all the dogs only have three legs, granted I only saw two dogs, but really what are the chances of them both having only three legs, is this due to some dog eating stoner having a bad case of munchies - I wonder?! Having said this, they are the friendliest bunch of folk I have ever met, this of course is due to the fact that they are all off their tiny little minds (there are only so many brain cells you can have left having smoked as much weed as these guys - they make Slater look like some pathetic novice, no mean feat!) on space cakes and spliffs! There is some thing a bit strange and spooky about being asked if I wanted any weed by a lady whom is way too old to be my grandmother, but being the chivalrous gentle man I am, I obviously had to take her up on the offer, I could not let her go hungry - could I?
I was going to go on to the third and second trip, but as I know you are way to lazy to read any more than a long paragraph, I will love you and leave you where I am sat hear in Brisbane! Take care, and hope to hear from you you soon!